


A pedicure is a cosmetic beauty treatment for the feet and toenails, and can also help to prevent nail diseases such as Athlete’s Foot, fungus and ingrown toenails. The word pedicure comes from the Latin word pes, meaning “foot”, and cura meaning “care”.

The best pedicures not only make your toes beautiful, but also include lower leg and foot massages to totally revive your feet. Your feet should end up smooth and moisturised, and your toes perfectly shaped and polished.

There are many places where you can get a professional pedicure. But if you want to take the DIY approach, here are a few tips:

  • If you want to give yourself a pedicure, and you’re short on time or don’t have a foot spa, use a washing up bowl of warm water with any oils you like for the first stag. Then dip your toes in ice cold water after polishing them to speed up the hardening process.
  • Keep your nail polish in the fridge for when you need to touch up your colour (this will keep it at its best).
  • Re-apply a top coat after a week or so of having your pedicure to prolong the polish.
  • Start a home foot care regime – Regularly moisturise your feet to prevent them becoming dry, dehydrated and hard. Apply a generous amount of moisturiser before bed and wear a pair of socks overnight.
  • Invest in a home foot spa – this doesn’t need to be an expensive model, but somewhere to soak your feet when they are tired will do wonders for your stress levels!
  • If you file your nails between pedicures, avoid filing the corners of your nails too much as this can weaken them and perhaps even cause ingrown toenails.
  • If you have weak nails and always wear nail polish, give your nails a rest and allow them time to breathe for a couple of days without polish – if you don’t they’ll just stay weak and probably turn a nasty shade of yellow
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