

Skin lesions

A skin lesion is any variation in skin colour or texture, anywhere on the body. Some skin lesions are present at birth, such as moles and freckles, while others are acquired over time, such as warts sunburn and scars from abrasions. Most skin lesions are harmless. However, it is important to keep an eye on them because they can change over time, which may be indicative of a serious problem.

For example, one pigmented lesion that can occur on the foot and lower extremity is malignant melanoma.

A condition called actinic keratosis is another cancer-causing lesion that can occur on the feet. This normally occurs in parts of the body which are exposed to the sun, such as the top of the foot. Treatment usually consists of freezing the lesions with liquid nitrogen or sharp excision.

Kaposi’s Sarcoma is another cancerous lesion that may appear on the soles of the feet of people with HIV infection or AIDS. Kaposi’s Sarcoma lesions are irregular in shape and have a purplish, reddish, or bluish-black appearance. They tend to spread and form large plaques or become nodular. The nodular lesions have a firm, rubbery appearance.


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