

Inflamed ligaments (capsulitis)

Ligaments surrounding the joint at the base of the second toe form a “capsule,” which helps the joint to function properly. Capsulitis is a condition in which these ligaments have become inflamed. The condition can also occur in the joints of the third or fourth toes and, if left untreated, can eventually lead to a weakening of surrounding ligaments that can cause dislocation of the toe. Capsulitis – also referred to as predislocation syndrome – is a common condition that can occur at any age.


It is generally believed that capsulitis of the second toe is a result of abnormal foot mechanics, where the ball of the foot beneath the toe joint takes an excessive amount of weight-bearing pressure.


Because capsulitis of the second toe is a progressive disorder and usually worsens if left untreated, early recognition and treatment are important. In the earlier stages- the best time to seek treatment – the symptoms may include:

  • Pain, particularly on the ball of the foot. It can feel like there’s a marble in the shoe or a sock is bunched up
  • Swelling in the area of pain, including the base of the toe
  • Difficulty wearing shoes
  • Pain when walking barefoot


An accurate diagnosis is essential because the symptoms of capsulitis can be similar to those of a condition called Morton’s neuroma, which is treated differently from capsulitis.


The best time to treat capsulitis of the second toe is during the early stages, before the toe starts to drift toward the big toe. At that time, non-surgical approaches can be used to stabilise the joint, reduce the symptoms, and address the underlying cause of the condition. These include:

  • Rest and ice. Staying off the foot and applying ice packs help reduce the swelling and pain.
  • Oral medications. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, may help relieve the pain and inflammation.
  • Taping/splinting. It may be necessary to tape the toe so that it will stay in the correct position.
  • Stretching exercises may be prescribed for patients who have tight calf muscles.
  • Shoe modifications. Supportive shoes with stiff soles are recommended because they control the motion and lessen the amount of pressure on the ball of the foot.
  • Orthotic devices. Custom shoe inserts are often very beneficial. These include arch supports or a metatarsal pad that distributes the weight away from the joint
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