

Physical therapy

Physical therapists can may choose from an array of options in treating foot and ankle problems, including exercises for flexibility, stability, balance, strength, coordination, and restoration of range of motion.

Other therapies include massage, electrical stimulation, ultrasound, traction or heat and cold. These tools allow the physical therapist to create a program of rehabilitation that is custom-designed for your particular problem.

Typically, your physical therapist will begin your rehabilitation by taking a detailed history of your foot and ankle problem, together with an account of related problems, such as diabetes, arthritis, and vascular disease. The therapist may also carry out a gait analysis, which is an analysis of the way you walk or, in some cases, run. The physical therapist will take detailed notes, sometimes using video cameras as a diagnostic tool.

To avoid or overcome a foot or ankle problem you may need to learn some new habits or modify your current level of physical activity, whether it involves work, recreation, or both. Once your physical therapy goals are met, your therapist will help you maintain the programme on your own with a home schedule designed to fit your needs.

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